Something was different
Someone’s stayed over,
And she’s the funniest,
Most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.
He said.
Here there is joy.
And she is,
Funny and beautiful
But beyond that, kind
And the tenderness in his eyes,
As he watches her
His arm enfolding supporting numb,
As she sleeps on the sofa
Would dissolve iron
For here, where once there was
Heartbreak and hearts broken
Here, the bravest at heights,
Depths, speed and danger
Yet cautious and fearful when making decisions
Risking all not to promise what he might not deliver,
And ran with all his speed
And jumped with all his courage
And flew towards light and love
And the funniest, most beautiful woman he had ever met
Who opened her arms and didn’t say –
You took your time
or –
If I’d known, I’d have washed my hair first
Which, as the funniest most beautiful woman he’d ever met,
she was quite entitled to do but instead
Said kindly
And here there is joy.
C Copyright Lisa Evans June 2021
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